Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Someone needs to keep an eye on this guy...

So...I've listened to a few episodes of the Stackoverflow podcast and I'm consistently shocked by Jeff Atwood's stupidity. He is the archetype of one of the classic subsets of programmers: THE BULLSHITTER.

The Bullshitter will convincingly spout technical information of which they know little about. The Bullshitter will appear to be certain of a given fact regardless of whether they are actually certain. The Bullshitter typically has lots of opinions, most of them ill-advised.

And worst of all, the Bullshitter will annoy you at work by shooting off pointless truisms and tautologies to appear wise or just to hear the sound of their own voice.

Atwood is a Bullshitter and should not hold the status he does within the software development community. This blog will attempt to keep an eye on him. And may God have mercy on our souls...